May 25, 2018
A lot of what I teach is helping
parents understand their children as people. The best
way to be happy in your parenting is to recognize that your child
is a person and to respect them and expect that respect in
-Karen Lock Kolp
In Episode 38, I have a fun chat with Karen Lock Kolp, M.Ed. of the We Turned Out Okay website and podcast. Karen is an early childhood development expert and parent coach.
On her website and podcast, Karen helps worried and hovering parents by bring reassuring, helpful advice and conversations.
In this episode, we talked about many things, including:
• The similarities between parenting toddlers and teens (and how much we both like teenagers).
• How some kids need "a longer runway."
• Calming down your family's evening routine
We Turned out Okay (Karen Lock Kolp's Website)
Download Karen's "Calming the Weeknight Chaos"
Helping Your Fearful Kid Try New Things
I was also guest on Karen's We Turned Out Okay Podcast! Our topic was Give Your Child the Magic of Summer Camp!
We had so much fun chatting in both of our podcasts and plan to record more episodes in the future!